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Botanical Inventory: Trees

  Index A-Z  (Click on species for plant profile)

  1. Arbutus unedo  - Strawberry Tree - Corbezello.

  2. Eucalyptus globulus - Eucalyptus - Eucalittu.

  3. Ficus carica - Fig Tree - Ficu.

  4. Juniperus macrocarpa ssp. Oxycedrus - Ginepro Rosso. 

  5. Juniperus phoenicea - Turbine Juniper - Ginepro.

  6. Olea europaea (ssp. Oleaster) - Wild Olive - Olivastro.

  7. Quercus ilex ssp. Ilex  - Holm Oak - Elce.


  1. Full Inventory A-Z

  2. Trees (Alberi) 

  3. Shrubs (Arbusti) 

  4. Sub-Shrubs (Sub-Arbusti)

  5. Climbers (Rampicante)

  6. Herbaceous (Erbaceo)

  7. Geophytes & Succulents (Geofite & Succulente) 

  8. Grasses & Sedges (Erbe & Carici) 

  9. Lichens & Bryophytes (Licheni & Briofite)

Arbutus unedo  - Strawberry Tree - Corbezzolo - Aridoni.


Local Distribution: Uncommon, occasional around Oak woodland edges.

Locations: Teschio Woodland, Calcareous Macchia.

Habitat: Quercus Forest, Arborescent Macchia Calcarea.

Status: Native, IUCN Red List - Least Concern.

Taxonomic Notes: Family - Ericaceae.

Valle Species Action Plan: To be added.

Ecological Aspects: The flowers provide high levels of nectar & pollen for Bees who act as pollinators. The fruit is food for Birds & Mammals who disperse the seed. Invertebrates may hibernate throughout winter in the tree bark.


Ethnobotanical Uses: The fruits may be eaten (best when fresh) and are used in jams, marmalades, yoghurt & to make an alcoholic beverage (common in Corsica, Portugal & Albania). The bitter honey is considered a delicacy. The name Unedo is attributed to Pliny the Elder who allegedly claimed "unum tanto edo", meaning I only eat 1. If many area eaten fresh this can result in a stomach ache.  They are composed of a high sugar content (approx. 40%) and antioxidants - Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene, Niacin, Tocopherols & Organic Acids that are pre-cursors to Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids. The leaves are used in folk medicine as a decoction and contain high levels of flavonol antioxidants & have anti-inflammatory  properties. Other reported properties include: astringent, diuretic, urinary anti-septic, used as a tonic & intoxicant, for rheumatism &  more recently hypertension & diabetes. The wood is quite hard & ornamental & used to make items like pipes or for good firewood. Not widely used in construction as it does not grow straight, but can make a good stick. Used in permaculture and ornamentally in gardens & planters. Also in ecological restoration for preventing  desertification as a pioneer plant growing in an array of soils (nutrient poor with variable pH). It is also quite fire-resistant, shooting back well, so is useful in areas where natural fires occur.

Valle Habitat Action Plan: To be added.

General Notes:

links: Wikipedia

  • Eucalyptus globulus - Eucalyptus - Eucalittu

        Occurence: Two specimens, adjacent to Hotel Mirage and at the gate area.​

  • Ficus carica - Fig Tree - Ficu.

        Occurence: Sporadic, usually close to water source (Fountain area, Valle 3b, Teschio).

  • Juniperus macrocarpa ssp. Oxycedrus - Cuddly Juniper - Ginepro Rosso - Aiacciu.

        Occurence: Common Tree throughout Valle Della Luna.

  • Juniperus phoenicea - Turbine Juniper - Ginepro - Ghiniparu Femina.

        Occurence: Common Tree throughout Valle Della Luna in various habitats.​

  • Olea europaea (ssp. Oleaster) - Wild Olive - Olivastro - Ollastru

        Occurrence: Occasional, mainly as an shrub in macchia throughout.​

  • Quercus ilex ssp. Ilex  - Holly Oak - Elce - Elijah.

        Occurrence: Common, as main component of Teschio woodland, rare singular specimens.

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