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Habitat & Ecosystem Profiles

The described habitats are broadly grouped and then broken down into EUNIS Natura 2000 classification types (an exception is Plagio-Climax - human affected habitats, that are not classified by this method). Please click on the habitat name for profile information. Following this below is a 'Habitat Profile Template', explaining the format & layout of the profiling technique.

(PROFILES ARE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)            New Addition: - Coastal Elicriso Gariga

Coastal Dune Grassland & Scrub:
  • 1210: Annual Vegetation of Drift-Lines (Non-Fixed Vegetated Dunes; AVD).

  • 2210: Crucianellion Maritimae Fixed Beach Dunes (Fixed Grey-Dunes; FGD).

  • 2240: Brachypodietalia Dune Grasslands with Annuals (Fixed Dune Grassland; FDG).

  • 2230: Malcomietalia Dune Grasslands (Fixed Dune Grassland; FDG).

  • 2250: Coastal Dunes with Juniperus spp. (Coastal Dunes with Ginepro; CDG).

1st Valle - Fixed Dune System.png
Gariga/Macchia & Woodland:
  • 5210: Arborescent Matorral with Juniperus spp. (Arborescent Ginepro Macchia; AGM).

  • 5320: Low Formations of Euphorbia close to Cliffs (Coastal Elicriso Gariga; CEG).

  • 5530: Thermo-Mediterranean and Pre-Desert Scrub (Tree-Spurge Gariga; TSG).

  • 5430: Endemic Phyrganas of the Euphorbia-Verbascion (Sardinian Genista Gariga; SGG).

  • F6.1: Western Garrigue - Rosmarinetea Officinalis (Rosmarino-Cisto Gariga; RCG).

  • 9340: Quercus ilex & Quercus rotundifolia Forests (Holm-Oak Forest; QF).

Rocky Outcrops & Caves:

  • 1240: Vegetated Sea-Cliffs of the Mediterranean Coasts with Endemic Limonium spp.

       (Vegetated Granite Sea-Cliffs; VGSC. Vegetated Sandstone Sea-Cliffs; VSSC).

  • H1.1: Cave Entrances - 8310: Caves not Open to the Public (Caves; CAV). 

2nd Valle -Malva.png
Plagio-Climax - changed by humans:
  • Malva Stands (Malva veneta) - exhibiting high levels of Invertebrate biodiversity (MS).

  • Sasaparilla-Lentisco Gariga - probably as a result of past deforestation (SLG).

  • Pump-room Greenroof - artificial habitat. 

Habitt Profile Template

Habitat Profile Template

HABITAT: habitat type e.g. Coastal Elicriso Gariga.

EUNIS Classification: e.g. Low formations of Euphorbia Close to Cliffs.



Habitat Characteristics: a concise description of abiotic & biotic elements. 

Valle Habitat Location: location in relation to pre-defined study areas in Capo Testa. see 'Research Area Map' for more info.

Microclimatic Variables; taking into account wind & light exposure, proximity to water & terrain. Capo Testa climate data.

Substrate Composition: general description, type of soil, organic matter content, sand content, particle size, pH & nutrents.


FLORAE (Botanical):

Characteristics: diversity & spread of plant types e.g. primarily trees & shrubs, with herbaceous understorey.

Adaptations: for instance Halophytic (salt-tolerant) or Chasmophytic (root-structure).

Primary species: Commonly observable plants.

Secondary species: Frequently observed plants.

Tertiary species: Rare or Scarcely observed plants.

Endemic species: those only existing in the locality (Tyrrhenian, to include Sardinia & Corsica).

Protected species: endangered plants listed by the IUCN.

Invasive species: those that pose a threat (primarily non-natives) to endemic, protected or native communities.

FAUNAE (Recorded Wildlife):

Invertebrates: to include research groups as identified on the 'Invertebrates' page.

Reptiles: all species observed in each study area (SA) relating to the habitat.

Mammals: as above, each species labelled to the specific study area e.g. SA1: Bombus lucorum (White-tailed Bumble Bee).

Birds: as above, all species to include latin name & common name where possible.  

Endemic species: those only existing in the locality (Tyrrhennian - to include Sardinia & Corsica).

Protected species: endangered plants listed by the IUCN.

Invasive species: those that pose a threat (primarily non-natives) to endemic, protected or native communities.

ECOSYSTEM (Community):

Ecological Associations: observed & reviewed interactions between Flora & Fauna.

Ecological Soundscape: recordings & spectrograms to monitor long-term changes in Biodiversity. Bioacoustics.


Conservation Recommendations: highlighting any issues to prevent deterioration of the habitat.

Rewilding/Restoration Potential: identifying where required methods by which to improve the quality of habitat.

Habitat Biodiversity Action Plan (HBAP): concise presentation of fore-mentioned points & recommended actions.


Records Database: catalogue of species encountered in the specific habitat (taxonomy & photograhy), available for updating.

Methods: recording of research methods engaged in the study of the habitat.

Dates: last survey carried out & next update, each habitat to be surveyed at specific times in the 'Ecological calendar'.  

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